Thursday, November 27, 2008

My blog will have to die for the time being. The strain of no laptop, bad connections, and technical problems have made blogging very difficult.

But It WILL be back.

with a whole new look.

donno when. hopefully in the next month. or so.

Thank you to all the die hard readers.

I wont disappoint!
posted by Jared Wong at 3:17 PM, | 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008

Going home

flying back on sunday. will bus to sydney, then plane to kl.

Will try to get my com asap because my blog suffers from lack of events.
posted by Jared Wong at 7:41 PM, | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fast, just the way I like it.

Last week! Last Week! My room smells of cardboard. My future room rocks. Tv for $50. Everything else for happiness. I rant. To much to blog, so little time.

A week of firsts, and lasts. First exam, last exam. New beginnings, old farewells.
I miss.

Going home soon. Love it. love life!

My room no longer smells of cardboard after 2 days. I clean. It looks virgin new.
I feel alive. It's the best of the three weeks. I love.

Even though there are daily people having fun without me, I'm material. Materialistic.
Should i buy? Yes? No?

My future is secure in You.
You are my world. You are my God.

Oh wait just got a call. There goes $500. Yes? No?
posted by Jared Wong at 9:00 AM, | 0 comments
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Black eyes are deepest.

It’s definitely black. My eyes. They’re black. Just one of those things about me I’ve never noticed before. I just assume that they are because I always see them from a distance, like how I assume doughnuts are sweet and people stare.

Oh look. I can see the iris. It’s a glossier black.
I turn of my yellow hat covered lamp.

And walk back to my table. Wait, how unflattering. My workstation. There, better. Why oh why does it still look the same? I must have done about a thousand different things to appease my lust for some god dammed thing to do, but it still looks about as inviting as my bed. Which is not really. It’s been what, 2 weeks since I lost it.

No use moping around, I told myself in the first.
Do something, I told myself in the third, after waking up from the progressively messier bed. Not bed. Reality-escape device. Where I wake up wishing dreams were real, even though they feel more real than this.

I’ve done it all.
Read every single word in my room. Every one. I found this old book “How To Be a Happy Teen” which oddly enough doesn’t cover extreme boredom and finished it, just like that.
I’ve planned it all.
Pick up the guitar again. Swim daily. Work. Buy that new friggin life. Relax. Cook. Ahh.., the glorious 3 months.
I’ve planned more.
The new Frisbee training sessions. The arrangement of my new room. Food. Cook. Friends. Going jogging, now.
And then some.
Being an anarchist in each Hall, one a day, and then leaving them to wonder with awe who did it.

But they’re just plans. Illogical thoughts going off like fireworks in my head, even more so these 3 weeks. My room looks the same. The work station is jeering at me, I can feel it. My life in these 3 weeks have settled into a predictable routine, one set by the upper echelons of The Australian National University. People around me live to study, sleep, eat, and study some more. “It’s time to go through what you’ve learned again, You better start soon!” That’s what Dr. Anne Aimola Davies said 5 weeks ago.

3 weeks is more than enough. Beyond that its Abdul Gharib.
Already that wall socket looks so inviting.


I walk to the computer lab. No change there. Wait, whats this? I spot two computers where someone forgot to log off. Two! My lucky night.

My greed vs. moral values come up. I bring up my files to print. Greed wins. Oh no! Printer’s out of paper. “Cut down more trees!” I mutter.
I re-justify myself. I would never have printed anyway. I retain my integrity. Morality triumphs again. And laughs over my shoulder.

I know that when I go back to my room, nothing will change. The reality escape device would still be in a mess, my workstation cluttered.
Its like my eyes. Every time I look I expect, no, hope to see a bit more brown. Or some other color. Anything besides the usual numbing situation.

Nope. Still black. I like it that way.

posted by Jared Wong at 10:21 PM, | 0 comments
Monday, November 03, 2008

Requiem for a life.

one week after the unexpected death of the computer.

hmm it's not as..bad as i thought it would be. sure, it gets boring, with some nights there was me eating cheese, alone. drinking whiskey, alone. Sleeping at 9 PM for 3 consecutive nights. Alone.
I know for many people, losing their one thing that keeps them attached to the outside of outside is like losing a right hand.

so I became left handed =P

I learned so many things.
Like how i don't need a computer for what matters.
Like how i don't need a computer to get together
Like how people mean more to me now.
Like how some people who you thought were there weren't, but others whom you never knew, were.

i learned to budget time wisely. Trust me, when you have all the time in the world, like i do, i feel like i want to expereince EVERY SINGLE THING. or its all wasted on sleeping

Studies are picking up, alot. I think its because i have no access to DC, and can't join the gang for nightly CS sessions. which is good.

I must thank Daryl, who continuously put up with me visiting room more often now.
Also my other friends who endured my constant nagging to engage in a game of pool or ping pong.

I'm seeing the world a bit more now.
At first it was bad. Its like a serious case of addiction, only you know its gone.
At one point i nearly bought a Mac! just because it was cheap. Luckily my "sales sense" kicked in last moment.

I still miss my photos in my com though. Hope to get at least those back!
posted by Jared Wong at 2:33 PM, | 0 comments