Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Kai Xun is a veggie-ta-person!

6 May 2009

Heres hoping my room fire alarm is broken, or at least has low detection. Heres why:

1. Go to B&G to pass pendrive to Karen
2. Bump into Jason
3. Chat. Jason invites me for dinner.
4. Me, being the foodie, agree instantly.
5. Turns out, Jason isn't cooking, but Kai Xun, Su Yin, and Dianne are.
6. I get treated to some veggie pancake with umm celery, crabstick and potato salad. Its official. Kai Xun is a veggie person. No meat!
7. Upon reaching home, I instantly reach for my meat. no not that meat. Get your head out of your pants.
8. Nothing like chips, herb sausages, and buttered mushrooms to cure hunger/meat pangs!
9. Only thing is, herb sausages smoke ALOT. hence my smokey problem.

So yeah, i stopped frying a bit too early cos i was scared the increasing smoke would trigger the alarm. It didn't. And i ended up with slightly raw sausages.
But its better than no meat! =)

P.s. Note, i'm not complaining about dinner =)
Another happy episode by miaow.
10.49 pm. Ta!
posted by Jared Wong at 8:39 PM, |