Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Autumn’s best

Some people call it fall. I think i prefer autumn, it has a much more cultured sounding ring to it. The wind is windy, the trees are exploding in all the expected colours. And its raining! Autumn showers are the absolute best, whether you’re chilly caught outdoors or warm behind the translucent glass window.

I went on one of those rare things, oh what was it? A shopping spree! I bought (esentials!) bowls, cooking appliances, and thisDSC05319:

DSC05297Its a microwaveable steamer! How cool is that! Ok, granted microwaving my food isn’t one of the healthiest options, but if you mix it with steaming it sits somewhere on the average side. Between pan frying and casseroling.

Here is on of the first dishes i experimented with my new steamer: Lamb and potato stew. Which is actually very normal. Recently i discovered that chive-sesame flavoured rice is the GOLD. And now i cook it when ever i cook rice.

MY DREAM. Is to become a chef. it still is. I can pursue it even while doing something else. And above all dreams is one of me winning at least 1 Michelin star with a restaurant in the Gourmet kitchen of the world, France. Ok, Malaysia might be the food capital, but THE BEST is in…there.

Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup.

DSC05301Next buy is this! This super gorgeous knitted scarf costs $23, but its super worth it. I especially love that one weave of red and white running down the middle.

I actually hunted for 2 hours for this. Unfortunately i couldn't find any decent pair of leather gloves..DSC05322


My last super buy is a HEATER. God knows how much i need one. The central heating Acedemie provides just isn’t enough, what with me waking up with feet of ice. I even had to start wearing my jacket indoors!

Dish of my day:Agneau aux abricots et aux noisettes


Signing off, Autumn is the BEST!

posted by Jared Wong at 12:32 AM, |