I dont have any pics blast, or i would have posted them already.
So now.. back to the daily grind! School starts tomoro (again)! and i took this two days to R&R. hopefully it works lol.
Time to begin my annual ritual of what i want. well i know some of the things are just wishes (for now!) but i really really wish for them!
there are some changes compared to last year's wishlist, which shows some maturity, and some regression lol. And NO, Spiderman comics are NOT on the TOP 10. and strangely enough, i don't want a new com either. i've grown fond of my orange lappie with all its ailing problems and stuff.
SO! Presenting the TOP TEN 2008!
Remarks: umm i can actually go buy myself, but i dont want to spend money, especially with the stupid MASCA trip coming up. I actually want this to practise a new skill, i've got all the songs picked out for it already! p.s. i want the guitar, not the girl.
well actually this is like chocolate, cos i know its bad for me, but i S
TILL want it! especially with the Bleach game! of course must come with AT LEAST 2 controllers complete with nunchacks. Wait a minute... chocolate ISN'T bad for me!
8. My speakers to ARRIVE on my birthday!
....now that would be a miracle, cos malaysias shipping sucks.
self explanatory. no, but i would save it all and use only for necessary stuff (STUPID MASCA games). i'm like that.
No, i'm not being adultrous to my Sony bean, its just that.. ok...yea, i'm ditching the Bean. lol. Who wouldn't?
5. HD's for my PSYCH papers!
theoretically this isn't a birthday present, and i ACTUALLY can achieve this, only i'd go crazy in the process and end up like INTI's Suman or ANU's err... better not say =) And if i can't get this i want... to not have to study at all!
yes, i'm pretty lazy lol. this is truly an impossible dream.
4. My own kitchen.
After the birthday candle incident cooking is akin to first degree murder in ursula. I WANT TO COOK!!!!
3. Hmm okla, i wont be so greedy and ask for a Ramli burger. Or homecooked food. Or this:
notice its an AUDI, my car of choice ever since i saw I Robot.
2. To have dinner with a special someone. Soooooo schoolboy infatuation! or maybe not =)
1. To draw closer to God.
I've already made plans for this. At least i will get this wish =)
One thing that ALMOST made it to this year's list is this: Braun Series 7
This thing is so powerful it could shave chewbacca in 3 seconds flat.
Wow. most of the things i wanted last year changed. The only 2 things that stayed on are the guitar and money. different priorities? i wonder how it'll change next year. hopefully less material, and more spiritual =)