Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Free time...zzz

Finally my  STUPID PSYC2007 Biological Basis is done! i can finally relax. for the next 1.5 hours that is.. Thats when the new day  (tomoro) arrives. and i'm dead tired. yet still my crazy friend is in my room making somr longan dessert and going to call other people here to socialize.. theres a LIMIT you know!


Anyway, about today's bio test, it was GG (good game), which means we all died and faile d. lol. its thanks to this sheet of paper  (one whole semester of lectures crammed into one side of a handwritten A4. Godlike!)that i didn't fail and could even get a high credit! woo! i worked on this in the wee hours of this morning 2 am till 7.30, then my day began. Sommore our lecturer sounded sooo sarcastic when he said "good luck!" knowing we all die lo..

haha but thats over with! the rest of the day i was in really hyper mood. cos of exams over? but then again could be becos of that V i drank. lol.

DSC01994and then i spent the rest of the day shopping for MSO stuff, cut hair, shopping for MY stuff, and bought this lovely spicy chicken rice you  see here.

*1 hour later

Ok the guys are gone, leaving the presence of their umm.. sounds, jokes, and stories.

but i'm too damn tired. time to sleep. Tomoro's another day! with the finals in one month.... wohoo!

posted by Jared Wong at 9:37 PM, |