Monday, August 06, 2007

Visible phenomenons

With all the stuff that has been happening last week.. i dont think i could fit it all in.. and i cant be bothered to remember either...
So what is it with all these stupid assignments coming in? its like every time i put something off theres always more stuff piling on top... Thats the way the world works?!?!?! like now, i'm supposed to revise my reading for later psychology (which still havent started classes!) but i'm blogging... sighg... i know this'll come to bite me in the ass later... i wish i could do mobile phone blogging.. then it wouldnt be such a hassle to find time ...
Oh yea i joined facebook.. its great! i think its better than friendster...
Life is just going through a challenging time... with all the commitments and stuff..its even so hard to find time to spend with God.

But then again.. thats what keeps me in check. its like i've got this extra source of strength not my own. life is exiting! i'm like, why didnt i do this sooner? but maybe its because i have been down the dark path, that i truly know how good it is to walk in the light.
I feel so thankful.
And hungry..I think i still have some heaven left....
posted by Jared Wong at 9:35 AM, |