Saturday, August 18, 2007

Girls and Suits : Crash course to what guys think

OMgoodness!!! Today is ursies ball!! its abour 19 hours from now!!!! I think its safe to say that right now the whole of ursies is buzzing with dress rehersals, hair styling, shoe polishing and etiquette classes lol. Me? i just came from an intense hair dyeing session which sees me trying out diff shades of white and purple lol. either it'll bomb or be a huge success. haha either way i'm dead.
and then all the guys now are like dressing up last minute and stuff, wondering if this tie goes with those shoes or if they should put their hand on the girls shoulder or around the waist when taking pictures....

Lol its prob my first ball and i'm NOT going with any girl (change this...i asked a girl out!)! thats rite.. oh how i miss the inti ball, the high school prom, and all those fine dining events. Miss the food, the company and stuff. but this time its diff... i dont have a date (revised 19th August i have one!), so technically i have to behave differently from before. although i do miss it when i had a date, but this time, i'm going to enjoy myself! but i dont think anything can beat the intiball..

So what is it with guys 'trying to find chance' at this ball? ahem.. the reason guys ask a girl out is cos some stupid textbook says they want to improve reproductive success..
which is total crap!!

The reason? cos its fun! its really boring to have all the time a split-sex dinners and stuff, although its guys that understand guys the most and vice versa, but the thing is friendships are fun to build. and i like making friends. i like enjoying a conversation with anyone. Its all about the relationships that last.and the great food, of course!!!
posted by Jared Wong at 4:30 AM, |