Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sorries - does it help?


I think (know!) my previous entry didn't roll over too well with some people. Already I've had some anonymous people calling me and asking if I was anti-Malaysian, but thats another story...

Apologies if i sounded like I absolutely hated the event, if i sounded like i didn't appreciate the effort you guys took, if i sounded like the event wasn't a success. Sorry, I'm very self-criticizing of everything I do (which is good for essays!) , so i think I unknowingly apply that to other people too?

Some friends asked if I intended to be the next Jeff Ooi, writing some damaging stuff. "HUH?? WHAT?? NooooOO! I didn't mean it!"

And no, i'm not going to give some totally immature reply like "My blog is my personal opinion! You tak suka, you boleh keluar blog!" (in no way a reference to any politician)

What i saw that night was, granted, not the best we could have done (by saying "we" I exclude the "me", cos i wasn't involved) , but maybe theres more to perfection? Someone once said that before that before we learn to fly, we must build wings. And thats waht "we" definately did on that night.

Use your wings to fly.

Use your experience as a stepping stone. We're not quite there yet, so build foundations first.

Like i said previously, we are capable of so much more.



On another note, I'll be temporarily away from blogs for awhile. I blame it on the recent hate phone calls I've been getting my upcoming lab reports and essays. So if i ever blog before the 1st Sept, you'll know its because I'm procrastinating.

I also have to cure myself of this miserable headache/fever/cold/everything else in between. =( I think it's because theres a rotting rat somewhere in one of the columns...

posted by Jared Wong at 12:22 PM, |


  At 10:23 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Hard being a critic, but such a necessary role.
  At 9:35 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Hey Jared,
Don't care too much bout the backlash to your post on Malam have your right to criticise as you see fit. I wasn't there but based on your description, any self-respecting Malaysian WOULD be embarrassed at all mistakes!

So yeah...just let the bashers stay in their insecure little world. If they can't stand the heat, they won't ever progress...but YOU can!

So rock on! :)
  At 11:09 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
thanks guys!
but like taht one la, can't please everyone =P