Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ursula Ball 2008



Wohoo! This years Ball was at Devine, Kamberra Winery. I think Aussies think its cool to misspell their own state lol. As usual, go to Facebook for the rest of the gorgeous pics.


I think this years ball was better than last years, in some ares. The ball video was a Casino Royale rendition, there was unlimited high quality wine and champagne. And of course, beer for those who preferred that. Maybe the food was a little less than what i expected, but that was ok. DSC03457DSC03465

It was really great to see everyone looking to perfect,  all the guys and girls really put an effort into it! As for me, i already had experience on how much time to dress up and stuff.


Lots of fun stuff happened at the ball. As i said, its not the event that makes it, its the people who go with you. Jay Shen came all the way from Sydney to attend the ball!


The atmosphere was a nice one, with a really good band (definately NOT HKSS) giving off good vibes. There was a pro photographer who was really good.


For some of us, it was their first time getting drunk/high in a long long time. For the rest of us, good memories for a lifetime =)

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posted by Jared Wong at 6:14 PM, |